Thursday, January 23, 2014

Editorial Suggestions Key

DKJ's Editorial Suggestions Key
(See also Handout CL/"grading")

G: Basic grammatical errors (see Writing Checklist/"grammar” for details). 

S: Basic stylistic errors (see Writing Checklist/"style” for details).

(Typical marginal notes include: "pass" = passive voice; "ww" = wrong word; "awk" = awkward; "ss" = single-space; "ref" reference; "SI" = split infinitive; "frag" = fragment; "ro" = run-on.) 

R: More research required/research element missing or too brief/insufficient attention to details of the text(s).

C: CRITO outline missing/incomplete.

B: Complete/accurate bibliographic information missing (here are several acceptable citation styles).

Q: Student-generated questions missing/incomplete.

A-papers contain very few to none of the errors above; B-papers contain a small degree of one or more of the errors above; C-papers contain a significant degree of one or more of the errors above; D-papers contain a borderline unacceptable degree of several of the errors above; F-papers contain an entirely unacceptable degree of several of the errors above.