Monday, January 6, 2025

Handout BR: Book Review


Each student will read and review one full-length, single-author text of his/her choice. Texts must clearly relate to the discussions/readings of our class. Early in the semester, I will approve all titles in advance on email or in person. Each book review should be approximately 4-5 pages in length, and must contain at least all of the following:

1. The title, author(s)/editor, publisher, and date of publication;
2. The student’s name and date of submission;
3. An opening paragraph identifying the philosophical/argumentative context and general focus or importance of the book;
4. One section detailing the arguments and positions of the author, in the order in which they appear in the book; and
5. One section in which the student comments critically on the central arguments of the text.


Students will informally present/read the results of their reviews in the final weeks of the semester. Written reviews are due at the time of presentation (see also, Handout CPE, “grading”). This assignment constitutes 25% f each student’s final average for the course. Students failing to present their reviews will lose one full letter grade.